Yr 12 Religion & Ethics, 2012 Mr Morris.

This Blog is designed specifically for students involved in Mr Morris' 12RAE1. MO23. This is a tool to hold information discussed and researched through class time for class tasks and unit Assessments.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lesson 7-8. Examples of Religious Social Structures.

Mr Morris.
Lesson 7-8.
10th - 14th Feb 2012.
Semester 1.


Australia is a religiously diverse country and has no official religion.

Christianity is the predominant faith of Australia. According to the 2006 census, the largest religious denomination is Roman Catholicism, of which 25.8% of the population claimed affiliation. The next largest is the Anglican faith, at 18.7%. Members of other Christian denominations accounted for 19.4% of the population.
Minority religions practiced in Australia include Buddhism (2.1% of the population), Islam (1.7%), Hinduism (0.7%) and Judaism (0.4%). Two percent of the population stated a different religion, which includes Sikhism and Indigenous beliefs, and 18.7% claimed no religion, while 11.2% did not respond.

What is an example of Religious Social Structures...

E.g Social structure is a term used in the social sciences to refer to patterned social arrangements in society that are both emergent from and determinant of the actions of the individuals.  The usage of the term "social structure" has changed over time and may  reflect the various levels of analysis within differing sub-fields of sociology. On the macro scale, it can refer to the system of socioeconomic stratification (e.g., the class structure), social institutions, or, other patterned relations between large social groups. On the meso scale, it can refer to the structure of social network ties between individuals or organizations. On the micro scale, it can refer to the way norms shape the behavior of actors within the social system.

Task 1. 

Research one (1) religious Social Structure from one (1) of the underlined religions above, there are 9 to choose from. You may work in pairs!

Put your name(s) next to the religion you will research below.
Aboriginal culture - brodie, Zack.John
Hinduism - Jaiden&Jacob
Buddhism - Emily
Roman Catholic Alex,Kane Nathan
Judaism- isaac, mitch, maddison,  jacob
Anglican Faith-ashley & christina
Islam -josh and coen

Start your work with a Title and Your Name: E.g. Islam - Shaun Morris.

Please remeber, even though im not their, i can still access this resource and will still be saving it to our blog for your reference in the future... Be responsible to this task.

Hinduism - Jaiden&Jacob:
When the Aryans moved into northwest India, they imposed a caste system to organize the new society created by their arrival. They initially put together a hierarchy of four varnas (i.e., castes), which later was expanded to include a fifth category. The caste system initially served to maintain rigid social boundaries between the invaders and the previous inhabitants. Over the generations, the origins were forgotten and the system became the stratification of a single society.

Islam - Josh 
Islam is the second most popular religion in the world with over a billion followers. It is more often thought of as a complete way of life rather than a religion.
Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. Those who follow Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only one God, called Allah.
Islam is mainly followed in the Middle East, Asia, and the north of Africa.
The prophet Muhammad, who was born in A.D. 570 at Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is often regarded as the founder of Islam. He was the last prophet to be sent by Allah. However the first prophet was Adam.

The Arabic word Islam means submission and obedience, and derives from a word meaning peace.
Islam is based on the ministry of a man named Muhammad, and on the words that Allah gave to the world through Muhammad.

Buddhism - Emily:
As part of the reaction against Hinduism during its early years, Buddhism rejected the caste system and other forms of social stratification and instead set up an essentialy egalitarian society. There are only two religiously important social groups: the monks, who have dedicated their lives to full time pursuit of religious goals, and everyone else. The monks, as a group, are called the sangha(sometimes spelled samgha). The non-monks are referred to as the lay people, or, the laity, for short.http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/religionet/er/buddhism/BORGS.HTM

Aboriginal culture- Brodie:
People lived day to day in family groups, banded together as hordes, and met at times of ceremony, when one to several hundred members of a single tribe came together. Members of different tribes met together at the largest ceremonies and gatherings, when there might be over 1,000 people at one gathering.

Judaism- isaac and mitch and maddison:
The portion of the synagogue where prayer services are performed is commonly called the sanctuary. Synagogues in the United States are generally designed so that the front of the sanctuary is on the side towards Jerusalem, which is the direction that we are supposed to face when reciting certain prayers. http://www.jewfaq.org/shul.htm

Judaism - Jacob:  The portion of the synagogue where prayer services are performed is commonly called the sanctuary. Synagogues in the United States are generally designed so that the front of the sanctuary is on the side towards Jerusalem, which is the direction that we are supposed to face when reciting certain prayers. http://www.jewfaq.org/shul.htm

Alex,Kane ,Nathan 
The roman catholic social structure works as shown above, another example of a social structure is here at school, with rebby as principle then frank as deputy then connoly,conroy and galvin followed by teachers then students.

Anglican faith- ashley & christina- 
Anglicanism's teachings on moral thought and action are similar to those of other traditions of Reformed Protestantism.   Before a person receives the gift of saving faith in Jesus Christ  (which is trust that one's sins are forgiven on account of Christ's  sacrificial death on the cross), none of that person's deeds is "good"  in the sense of being pleasing to God.  All works done apart from faith  have the nature of sin because they are not done as God wills.  That is  not meant to imply some defect in the action itself (as if a believer's  method of, for example, helping a needy person is more effective than  that of a non-believer), or that only believers are capable of helping  their neighbors in need.  Rather, it refers to a lack in the heart of  the non-believer.  Good works, works that are pleasing to God, are works  that flow out of faith in Christ.

brodie, Zak.John
Aboriginal groups have successfully survived in the harsh Australian climate for thousands of centuries. Throughout the continent many groups shared similar characteristics. They lived in communities that were previously called "tribes" but the term 'group' is more accurate. In these groups, people shared a sense of community, they spoke the same language, occupied a recognized territory, and shared common customs. Each map of the Aboriginal groups may vary as sometimes territorial boundaries were not clearly defined. Often groups shared the same regions because their routes over lapped or they shared the same hunting and gathering areas.

Task 2.

What is your social structure? Friends, Family, social standing? How does your social structure resemble any of the religions researched? Comment in 50 words the comparison or non comparison. Comment on a specific relifious structure.

Discuss in 30 words the social structure of Australia, refer to the way norms shape the behavior of actors (people) within the social system.

Jacob: hanging out with my family and mates, it doesn't resemble any of the religions.
Jaiden: Sitting in my room and being left alone. This is not like any religion because it does not involve serving something or someone. 
In Australia people generally do what they like while still respecting others. We like to do wthings our way and dont take crap form anyone.

my family does not have a social structure
all i do at home is listen to music
and at school i talk to my friends

my family and friends are my social structure
In my spare time i talk to my friends and be with my family
At school i hang around with my friends 

Australia as no set social structure. Every city and every town has a different social structure. on days like anzac day and australia day australias social structure changes because these days mean somthing to all australians.

isaac mitch maddison- my social structure is being in my own house, listening to music. i guess it is sort of religion becaue it's like a ritual i do everyday. theres a hierarchy in the house hold like in relegion. Mum and dad run the house with me and for mitch and isaac there brothers lower in the hierarcey.

ashley: my social structure is listening to music and spending time with my  family and friends, school cause its like a routine by going 5 times a week.
christina: seeing family, and getting together is part of my social structure which is much a like the aboriginal structure.
the social structure of australia consists of the queen of England, being in control of the pirme minister of australia, on australia day and anzac day we come together as a nation which is classed as a ritual. 

Emily: Social structures with family and friends probably resemble the structures of other religions in that, especially with family, there is a hierarchy. In the same way that roman catholicism has a hierarchy of bishops being higher than priests and so on and so forth, family also has it where the parents are above the kids. 

The social structure of Australia is one where the government has more power than the people. In between the government and the people are several levels of power. 
my socail state doesn't resemble any of the religons as there isn't any thing spirtual or religous i my day to day life as most of my activities are hanging with mates and playing sport. my structure is my parents first then sister then my close friends and school.

John, zak, brodie
John: my social structure would be family hanging out with my dad talking about 4wding and stuff, hanging out with friends on a weekend and going fishing and stuff hanging at school with friends, and sitting around a fire on the weekend with family and friends
zak: My social structure would be hanging out with my friends and family. Listening to music in my room very loudley!!!! Playing runescape with my gaming clan. Doing WoW raids (25 man raid) Love it haha. Chilling in my guild and playing some internet games :)
Brodie: My social structure would be hanging with my friends and family. Also chilling with mates at school. I also like to listen to music and stuff.

Alex kane nathan
Dad,Mum,Stepdad,freinds,little bro and sister,the dog,next door neighbors,then kyle.
This is my social structure of who i would go to for advice.  

1 comment:

  1. Students responsibility levels were tested as i was away and gave this resource to a supply teacher to use. There was some issues of students not useing it as desired and this was made eveident in the supply teachers reflection sheet. This issue was discussed with the student group, as a result students are working in small groups with one laptop, the person with the laptop will change from lesson to lesson, this has produced a positve interaction within the group towards the task.

    Mr Morris.
