Yr 12 Religion & Ethics, 2012 Mr Morris.

This Blog is designed specifically for students involved in Mr Morris' 12RAE1. MO23. This is a tool to hold information discussed and researched through class time for class tasks and unit Assessments.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lesson 5-6. Discuss and provide examples of Religious Experiences.

Mr Morris.
Lesson 5-6.
7th-9th Feb 2012.
Semester 1.


Australia is a religiously diverse country and has no official religion.

Christianity is the predominant faith of Australia. According to the 2006 cen7sus, the largest religious denomination is Roman Catholicism, of which 25.8% of the population claimed affiliation. The next largest is the Anglican faith, at 18.7%. Members of other Christian denominations accounted for 19.4% of the population.
Minority religions practiced in Australia include Buddhism (2.1% of the population), Islam (1.7%), Hinduism (0.7%) and Judaism (0.4%). Two percent of the population stated a different religion, which includes Sikhism and Indigenous beliefs, and 18.7% claimed no religion, while 11.2% did not respond.

Discuss an example of Religious experiences? 

Miricles, Devine intervention, Pilgrimages and experiences that people relatete to their particular religion.

1. Follow this link and read through the information. 

3. Using the web page provided and the video, comment in your groups, in your own words what these 4 terms relate to concerning Religious Experiences.

- Miricles
- Numinous
- Conversion
- Prayer.

Start your work with a Title and Your Name: E.g. Miricles - Shaun Morris.

christina- miracles: Miracles are said to be things God does, which go against the laws of nature. People who believe God exists, usually believe God can and does work miracles.
numinous:having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggestingthe presence of a divinity
conversion: the fact of changing one's religion or beliefs or the action ofpersuading someone else to change theirs
prayer:a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship

Mitch -  miricles:  Happen in anyones way of life when something unexpected Before we define them let us determine that our discussion will be about Catholic Church Miracles.
Now as we discussed on the homepage that a Miracle is an event where the natural laws of nature are circumvented.
Therefore a religious miracle is an event where God has intervenedand and allowed the natural law to be changed.
They have occurred through the centuries in the lives of the Saints and history of the Catholic Church and still occur to this very day.

Jaiden + Jarrod:
Miricles - Either a highly unprobable or 'impossible' event that is catorgarised by religious followers as an act of their god(s).
Numinous - A work to describle the power or presence of divinity
Conversion - Changing from one religion to another
Prayer - Speaking to a god

Brodie and Zak:
Miricles-  A miracle occurs when God acts in the world in a special way. Miracles are said to be things God does, which go against the laws of nature.
Conversion- Something that happens to you to make you convert to another religion.
Numinous- The sense of ‘awe and wonder’ a person may feel when they experience the presence of God in a certain place or building. It usually describes the feeling (or realisation) that God is very different from us - powerful and awesome.
Prayer- Worship god/speak to god.

Nathan, Kane Alex- 
Miracles- an event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause
Conversion- Something happens to make you convert over to a religion, or could be a religious experience of just by choice of yourself and as a possibilty the influence of someone else
Numinous- Of or relating to a numen; supernatural.
Prayer-A reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship.

A miracle occurs when God acts in the world  in a special way. Miracles are said to be things  God does, which go against the laws of nature
The sense of ‘awe and wonder’ a person may  feel when they experience the presence of God in a certain place or building.  It usually describes the feeling (or realisation) that God is very different from  us - powerful and awesome. Some people usually feel this when they enter a church  or a cathedral. However, they might just as easily have a sense of God's  greatness by looking at the world around them
experiencing christianty/miricle which leads you to believeing in god.
speaking whats on your very mind on which you care about and what has made you aware of others suffering more then what you are experiencing.

miricles- Religious experiences can range from God actually speaking to a person, to someone being aware of God's presence, to an experience of another religious figure, or even a miracle.

Prayer: is the practice of the presence of God.  It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made.  Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. 
Miracle: is an event contrary to the laws of nature. Such things do not happen. Science has the potential to explain everything eventually.
Numinous: It refers to the prescence of a spiritual or divine power.
Conversion:Belief in conversion, and the necessity for it, have always been at the centre of evangelical.

Josh and Coen
Miricles - A miracle occurs when God acts in the world in a special way. Miracles are said to be things God does, which go against the laws of nature. People who believe God exists, usually believe God can and does work miracles. For example, miracles which involve healing the sick are often believed to be the result of prayer.

Numinous - The sense of ‘awe and wonder’ a person may feel when they experience the presence of God in a certain place or building. It usually describes the feeling (or realisation) that God is very different from us - powerful and awesome. Some people usually feel this when they enter a church or a cathedral. However, they might just as easily have a sense of God's greatness by looking at the world around them 
Conversion - 

miricles: if someone fell out of a building and he or she, lived people would say "oh my god its a miricle"
numinous: when they go into a church

4. Research one (1) religious experiences from one (1) of the underlined religions above, there are 9 to choose from. You may work in pairs!

Put your name(s) next to the religion you will research below.
Aboriginal culture - Brodie, Zak and john
Hinduism - Jaiden & jarrod
Buddhism - Nathan Kane Alex
Roman Catholic  - Cody, Emily
judaism- christina and ash
Anglican Faith- isaac/mitch 
Islam - Josh and Coen

Start your work with a Title and Your Name: E.g. Islam - Shaun Morris.

Hinduism - Jaiden & jarrod:
Law of Karma: The Law of Karma is one of the fundamental doctrines of not only Hinduism,   but also of Buddhism and Jainism. As a man sows, so shall he reap. This is the law of   Karma. Desire produces Karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects of your desire. Karma   produces its fruits as pain and pleasure. You will have to take births after births to   reap the fruits of your Karmas. This is the law of Karma. 

anglican faith- isaac/mitch

christina and ash-

Cody,Emily  Roman catholic - 

Emily: This guy had a near death experience in which he saw the archangel michael and 'predicted' the 9/11 attacks. http://www.near-death.com/dougherty.html

Aboriginal culture- Brodie, Zak and John:
The indigenous show their spirituality through dance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y59JIObk_U

Islam - Josh
The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it. Their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of Allah.
Experiencing Inner Peace Through Islamic Spirituality

coen this women worked in the middle east alot so she was exposed to their culture and their religon. she was converted to islam when she was sitting in a shrine named 
Fatima al-Masumeh

Research (1) spirtual experience from the religion you have researched, provide an example, text, video or something else?..

Maddison: Islam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjq0-U4EP9M : The basic route to the islam life what the whole relgion is about and what they do.

Cody, Emily Roman Catholic:
A teenager experiences two different religions and has a spiritual experience, after watching a video that the priest have given him.

Hinduism - Jaiden + Jarhead.
This guy goes to india regulary to participate in hindi experiences.

Isaac and mitch = Anglican: Anglicanism is a tradition of Christian faith. Churches in this tradition either have historical connections to the Church of England or have similar beliefs, worship and church structures. The word Anglican originates in ecclesia anglicana, a medieval Latin phrase dating to at least 1246 meaning the English Church. Adherents of Anglicanism are called Anglicans.

Kane, Alex, Nathan - Buddhism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7rw8zvNv3Y (need volume) this person had a buddisht experience where the buddah took control of his body.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7n1hI2bPis Buddah birthday is celbrated by millions of buddihsts every year it is considered one of the most important days of the year 

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