Yr 12 Religion & Ethics, 2012 Mr Morris.

This Blog is designed specifically for students involved in Mr Morris' 12RAE1. MO23. This is a tool to hold information discussed and researched through class time for class tasks and unit Assessments.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lesson 10 20th Feb, Ethical Issues.

 Mr Morris.
Lesson 10
20th Feb 2012.
Semester 1.
Ethical Issues.

Get into groups of three or four. Have each group choose one issue from below.
OR Choose one issue to study as a class.

- violence, war and peace, Kane, Nathan Alex (6)
- bioethics, eg cloning, genetic engineering, 5 coen , josh and zac
- IVF, Cody,john,jaiden(3) - http://shamblespad.com/group3IVFMOR
- euthanasia emily,ashley,christina 4
- the environment-jarrod and bodie (2)http://shamblespad.com/group2theenviromentMOR
- work ethics and 
- business/professional ethics 
- sexual ethics marriage and divorce.isaac-mitch-maddison-jacob ( group1)

Each group is to complete the following: Use these headings to start your answers.
Choose an ethical issue from above.
Identify the ethical aspects of the issue.
Search the Bible for references which refer to the issue.
Use other sources to show the Christian perspective.
Include the perspective from different Christian groups. 
Look for recent articles related to the topic.
In what way does Christianity give guidance to its adherents on this issue?
Make a statement showing the Christian perspective, giving reasons.
Prepare a report/ poster/ presentation for the class.

Place your information below.

Violence, War & Peace Group 6
Ethical Aspects: War, during war if a white flag is raised it is a sign of surrender, you are meant to not shoot or harm them. This has not always taken place which is very unfortunate. Peace, during WW1 there would be times where no one would shoot or harm the enemy but instaed they buried those who had died in action.
Bible References:

IVF Group 3
Ethical aspects of IVF
cases there has been labortory mix-ups.
Same sex Couples, Single and unmarried couples:
ethical concerns include reproductive rights, the welfare of offspring, nondiscrimination against unmarried individuals, homosexual, and professional autonomy
Bible reference:
Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them. And God said to them, ?Be fruitful and multiply  and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the  sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that  moves on the earth.?
Christianity doesnt give guidance, just claims that it should not be done as it seperates the procreative purpose of the marriage act from its unitive purpose

The environment group 2
the main issue with the enviroment is the threat of destroying the forest for corpet gain and money along with issues involing the sea.

bible verse-
Psalms 104: 25-30 - There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there. These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust. When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.

group 4- identify the ethical issue from above
is killing people the right thing to do even though its killing them. 
Is it right for the person who is dying to do that to their family?
Is it right for the person who is dying to give that responsibility to the person killing them?
is it right for the person killing them to help them?

bible references-  the ten commandments do not kill 
The  perspectives from different christian groups 
would disagree with it  there wouldnt be many christian groups at all that would agree
Use other sources to show the Christian perspective-
"What you do have is general biblical responses, such as in Job 1:21 "God  gives and God takes away". There are also countless passages on the  sanctity of life, which argue that humans need to be treated in a very  special way, and given the utmost respect, at all stages of life." http://www.rsrevision.com/Alevel/ethics/euthanasia/christianity.htm
Guidence it is important to give guidance in christianity as it is very clear on the subject of not killing.
Make a statement showing the Christian perspective, giving reasons-
Killing someone is wrong and suicide is wrong and euthanasia is violating both of these things.

Sexual ethics Group 1-  
.Sex & Ethics: young people and ethical sex, drawn from interviews and research with people aged 16–25 from rural and urban australia, argues for a new approach to sexuality and sexual assault prevention education based on developing skills in ethical intimacy
.Genesis 2:24, God says that man will leave his parents and be united with a woman and they will become one flesh. This tells of marriage and how sex should be used only within the bonds of marriage.
The findings of these interviews informed the development of a six week education program for young people. The program provides young women and men opportunities to learn new ways of negotiating sexual intimacy. This is based on a sexual ethics framework developed by Moira Carmody PhD who has over 25 years of experience in working with young people and on sexual assault prevention education.
The project began by interviewing young women and men aged 16-25 of diverse sexualities from rural and city locations in NSW Australia. We wanted to understand how young women and men negotiate sexual relationships and their views on the adequacy of current sexuality and sexual assault prevention education. They identified that their education failed to prepare them for the complexity of sexual intimacy including issues around consent, sexual negotiation and pressured sex. The young people felt existing programmes focused primarily on risk and danger and excluded positive skills for ethical intimacy.

Group 4

Group 5 
Choose an ethical issue from above.
Bioethics and Cloning Humans

Identify the ethical aspects of the issue.

Search the Bible for references which refer to the issue.
Use other sources to show the Christian perspective.
Include the perspective from different Christian groups. 
Look for recent articles related to the topic.
In what way does Christianity give guidance to its adherents on this issue?
Make a statement showing the Christian perspective, giving reasons.
Prepare a report/ poster/ presentation for the class.

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