Yr 12 Religion & Ethics, 2012 Mr Morris.

This Blog is designed specifically for students involved in Mr Morris' 12RAE1. MO23. This is a tool to hold information discussed and researched through class time for class tasks and unit Assessments.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What's this all about?

This Blog is designed to scaffold the learning and information required for students participating in St Columban's College Teacher Shaun Morris' Religion and Ethics Program.

In a nut shell, this blog will be used as a tool to connect with each other and share information and ideas for class tasks, Assessment Tasks, group and individual reflective purposes.

Posts will be posted to the blog that Religious and Ethic's students, their parents and a select few within the Columban's College Community can reply to with required or relevant information. This format is a way that students and our College Community can access information as well as reflect on progress and responsibilities in their own time or within class time at school. Teachers or students can upload comments, requests, questions and feedback that each participating student can respond to in an online learning environment completely tailored to the the Religion and Ethics Program expectations. This Blog will provide an area for students, their parents, and the wider College community to track progress and results.

As postings accumulate, so does a map of the students learning journey, this Blog can be used in future years as a reflective tool for students wishing to research a class task or as an example to future students interested in what the St Columban's Religion and Ethics tasks can offer,  for ideas that worked or for areas that can be improved for future success.

The safety of our students is paramount; this blog will not be an open format. Students are invited as guests to contribute to the wall and comment on proceedings. St Columban's College Teacher Mr Morris will control access to the blog through the invitation of Senior schooling staff, teachers and students participating in this format. Apart from these invitees, no other person or organisation will be able to access the blogs material. The College's IT Department will work closely with the Mr Morris and the RE Cohort to maintain and continue to deliver and develop with trends and technology advances that will benefit this ever evolving E-Learning portfolio.

Participant’s Parents/Guardians are encouraged to view and comment on the learning journey, it is advised though that all postings be done in a respectful and appropriate manner. Any posts that offend or are detrimental to anyone associated to the school or participants will be removed and that account will be deleted from the blog permanently and information will be passed onto the necessary avenues for discipline or the authorities if necessary.

Finally, this is a forum that can be used to strengthen the knowledge and understanding of students, incorporating ICT’S into their learning environment is an ambition nationally for every school in this ever present global environment. We hope this format builds a foundation that can be built upon; thank you for taking part.

Shaun Morris.

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