Yr 12 Religion & Ethics, 2012 Mr Morris.

This Blog is designed specifically for students involved in Mr Morris' 12RAE1. MO23. This is a tool to hold information discussed and researched through class time for class tasks and unit Assessments.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lesson 2. Research one (1) religious ritual, Q. If Australia was a religion... what would our rituals be?

Mr Morris.
Lesson 2.
30th Jan 2012.
Semester 1.


Australia is a religiously diverse country and has no official religion.

Christianity is the predominant faith of Australia. According to the 2006 census, the largest religious denomination is Roman Catholicism, of which 25.8% of the population claimed affiliation. The next largest is the Anglican faith, at 18.7%. Members of other Christian denominations accounted for 19.4% of the population.
Minority religions practiced in Australia include Buddhism (2.1% of the population), Islam (1.7%), Hinduism (0.7%) and Judaism (0.4%). Two percent of the population stated a different religion, which includes Sikhism and Indigenous beliefs, and 18.7% claimed no religion, while 11.2% did not respond.

What is an example of a religious ritual?

Research one (1) religious ritual from one (1) of the underlined religions above, there are 9 to choose from. You may work in pairs!

Put your name(s) next to the religion you will research below.
aboriginal culture - mitch  isaac
Hinduism - Jaiden
Roman Chatholic jarrod and Brodie http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04215b.htm
judaism- christina ashley
Anglican Faith- Cody John
islam coen carius, Josh Frew
Maddison/Zak Jewism

Start your work with a Title and Your Name: E.g. Islam - Shaun Morris.

Buddhist meditation is a form of mental concentration that leads ultimately to enlightenment and spiritual freedom. Meditation occupies a central place in all forms of Buddhism, but has developed characteristic variations in different Buddhist traditions.

Islam - Josh Frew and c0c0: Pilgrimage: Also known as the Hajj, the pilgrimage is a physical and spiritual journey that every financially and physically able Muslim is expected to make at least once in their lifetime. Muslims travel to the holy city of Makkah, located in what is known today as Saudi Arabia, to perform the required rites of the pilgrimage. There, they are expected to spend their days in complete devotion to worship and to asking God for forgiveness and for anything else they wish to ask for. They also perform specific rituals, such as walking around the Kaaba, the black cube-shaped building located in Makkah.

Roman Chatholic jarrod and Brodie http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04215b.htm
Confirmation- Is a sacrament in wich the holy ghost (jesus) is given to cathoic's who have already been baptized in order to make them stronger and a perfect christians.

isaac and mitch
The most important ceremonies are connected with the initiation of boys and girls into adulthood. Such ceremonies sometimes last for weeks, with nightly singing and dancing, story telling, and the display of body decoration and ceremonial objects http://www.aboriginalculture.com.au/religion.shtml

Ashley and christina- judaism
Breaking of the Glass (The traditional ceremony at Jewish  weddings which demonstrates Jewish identification with the sorrow of  Jewish exile and the destruction of Jerusalem, even during festive  times)

Jaiden - Hinduism:
In Hinduism, rituals are always meant to inculcate feelings of devotion and to bring about the divine orientation of human life. As a part of his householders responsibilities, a devout Hindu is expected to perform certain rituals every day starting from morning till evening. These rituals include: making offerings to the gods, to all beings, and to the departed souls especially before partaking any food, showing hospitality to others and continuous remembrance of God through recitation of the Vedas or some holy scripture.

Anglican Faith -  Cody, John
Anglican rites are generally centered upon the worship of God and the  receipt of God's grace or blessing.  The two great sacraments of baptism  and Holy Communion (or the "Eucharist" or "Lord's Supper") are primary  in this regard.  A sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward  and spiritual grace.  Baptism and Holy Communion are the "great"  sacraments because they were instituted by Jesus Christ.
Zak : Our relgion is jewism Jewish rituals (Jewish ritual objects, ceremonies, observances, customs, and traditions) are forefront and center throughout the Jewish life cycle and across the Jewish calendar year. In Judaism, rituals are not simply rites performed in a place of worship; Judaism's rituals and observances form the backbone of daily living and are central to the character and nature of a Jewish way of life.

Next task... If Australia was a religion... what would our rituals be????

Same people/groups, comment on my last sentence, explain why you believe it would be a ritual in you opinion.

Josh Frew and Coen Carius: ANZAC DAY because we remeber the people who payed the ultimate price, Australia Day, Ekka Week, Alchohol, BBQ. Everyone enjoys these cause it resembles who we are as an Austrlian.

Alex,Kane,Nathan- Food,eating australian things like vegemite,lamingtons and lamb. These are a ritual because these things are considerd apart of australian identity.

jarrod and brodie:
BBQ, Alcohol. because it is a sterotype for a typical australian that most aussies are proud of.

christina and ashley- australia day because everyone enjoys celelbrating it,
country music festival- because australians are stereotyped to live in the outback

Jaiden: Doing what ever you want and not care about what others think and celebrating that its a free country

john, Cody- Christmas day since we come toether as a faily to celebrate our religion and death of christ i have no friends :(

Maddison / Zak : Rituals of australia would be Having a BBQ with all our mates because us australians are nice kents and drinking all types of piss either playing beach cricket or backyard footy ... =]

mitch and isaac:having laamb on the barby while drinking xxxx

1 comment:

  1. As talked about in class, this lesson was tailored to specifically research areas that will contribute to the classes assessment topics and task. The students were made aware of this and clearly worked toward the task well. Relating researched rituals to that of traditions of being Australian enabled me to link the importance of religious rituals to that of pride, custom and practice, made releveant by the association of what the learners knew/know of Australian rituals (If we were a Religion) E.g Australia Day, Anzac Day, BBQ's etc etc.

    Very positive work achieved by most students, a good number of the class were new to this platform, students worked in pairs or individually.
