Yr 12 Religion & Ethics, 2012 Mr Morris.

This Blog is designed specifically for students involved in Mr Morris' 12RAE1. MO23. This is a tool to hold information discussed and researched through class time for class tasks and unit Assessments.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Semester 2. Ethics and Morality.

Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

Moral reasoning is concerned with the reasons we use to determine what ought or ought not to be done, and also with the ways in which we explain and justify our thinking.  Kohlberg argues that moral attitudes develop in specific stages linked to the development of cognitive abilities.

Level 1:  Pre-conventional Morality
Stage 1 Punishment and Obedience Orientation:
  • We give no thought to other  people
  • We obey to avoid punishment, and to attract rewards
  • We listen to and obey authority figures (parents/teachers/God) without question
 Stage 2 Instrumental-Relativist Orientation
  • We are now able to place ourselves in someone else’s position
  • We begin to recognize the rights of others, although our rights are paramount
  • We have no respect for authority and no real concept of what is morally right or wrong
Level 2: Conventional Morality
Stage 3 “Good boy/nice girl” Orientation
  • We tend towards conformity and generally follow expectations of others
  • We seek approval of other people who are important to us
  • We begin to experience peer-group pressure
  • We show a concern for the social order
 Stage 4 Law and Order Orientation
  • We do not question the validity of rules
  • Reasons and decisions are expressed as more generalized rules of conduct
  • Our thinking is still based on relations with others and our desire for approval; but we now also think in terms of standards
 Level 3: Post-conventional Morality
Stage 5 Legalistic Orientation
  • We recognize that the rights of individuals need to be balanced with the rules necessary to keep society functioning
  • We recognize that laws have a rational basis and can be changed when a majority believe a change is necessary
  • We understand that laws and rules are based on acceptance by the majority
 Stage 6 Universal, ethical Orientation
  • We recognize that what is right is a matter of conscience
  • We acknowledge that these principles are abstract and ethical
  • We understand that these principles include: justice, human rights; respect for the dignity of human beings as individuals
  • We make decisions about what is morally right based on our conscience – we choose and judge for ourselves
  • We may experience conflict between our principles, but we resolve these in a rational way
 Possible Stage 7
  • We consider wider, more philosophical questions such as: Why is there so much injustice in the world? What is the meaning of life? How will I face death?
  • We develop an awareness of the whole of life and the cosmic perspective
  • We recognize that we are but a small part in the grand scheme of things.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lesson 12-13-14. Exploring heroes and role models.

Mr Morris.
Lesson 12-13-14.
17-18-19th April 2012.
Semester 1.

Create an avatar that represents an example of a hero or role model using Voki.com. 

An example can be found here. 

You avatar should represent what a hero or role model is to you.
Start your work with a Title and Your Name: E.g. Hero Avatar - Shaun Morris.

Further information can be found at Voki.com. 

Once tha avatars are complete, analyse the created avatars in groups of four, considering the following in your discussion: 

The characteristics of heroes or role models, evidence of stereotypes, choice of spoken words.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Voki compared with hand drawing to fully express your ideas about heroes and role models.

Create a class list of commonly held ideas about secular ( non religious) and religious heroes and role models.

Compare and contrast your findings.

Group 4: Ashley - A person you can respect and be amazed by, and invidual that is true to themselves. Christina - Someone who is determined and devoted to their work. Jaiden - Someone you can look up to and is a role model for how you wish to be.

Positive - Visual Representation
Negative - Could be a distraction, misleading.

Religious heros have beliefs, and holy orders. Non-religious hero (christia) do what they want.

Group 4
someone that puts others before them

Possitives- you dont have to speak in public 
Negatives- You dont get the same emotion

Group 3:
Role Model 

Group 1:
Resilient in tough times
Role Model
great sense of justice



Prioritise the words from the group lists above, how do they rank for these examples? Most important at the top, least important at the bottom. As a class, create a list for each of these examples.

Father group 1
Role Model
Puts others before them
Sense of Justice

14 yr old boy-group 2 
Role Model

14 yr old girl group 3
resilient in tough times
great sense of justice
role model
someone that puts others before them

Teacher - group 4
Smart ++ Helpful
Paitiance ++ Role Model 
great sense of justice ++ someone that puts others before them
Resilient in tough times

Football captain :
great sense of justice
Resilient in tough times
Role Model

Question: What reasons do humans need role models and heroes? In groups, answer this question here:

Group 2: To keep them pushing on... get through the hard times

Group 3: So you can have someone to aspire to be like

Group 4 - so we have we someone to look up to

Group 1 - So that others can know whats good and bad things to do and to figure out how to be like their heroes and role models.

In your group, discuss the distinctive yet complementary nature of role models and heroes.
How are they similar?
Group 2- 

Group 4 - People look up to them, 

Group 3 - someone who stands up for everything they believe in to face there ultimate goal in life.

Group 1 - role models and heroes are both people who are respected in the community and have done extraordinary things in their lives

Compare and contrast the purposes of heroes and role models. Compare with a partner. 

Group 2- Role models are people who play sport or anything related and people who look up to, hero's are people who risk there life to save others like fireman
Group 4 - A Hero gives people guidance, help and protection, where as a role model is someone who people aspire to be like. Hero: Martin Luther King, Role Model: Bruce Lee
Groupe 3 - Heroe's are usually portrayed as someone who protects people, both are looked up to by others
Group 1 - Heroes are people who always come in and save the day and are well known for doing heroing heroic things, whereas role models may not be so well known and their actions may not be anything that has changed heaps of lives. A comparison between the two is that they are all looked up to in their society. 
A role model are people that are professionals at a sport and brothers or sisters that have gone far in life and you want to be just like him/her.
A Hero is someone that puts their own lives in danger to try and save other people. 

Explore the difference between good role models and bad role models:
Choose one of the following people and create a list of at least three reasons why your chosen person could be considered to be a good role model and three reasons why they could be considered a bad role model, based on evidence within the following biographies or from other sources. 
Julian Assange, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange -  Lacy and 
Anna Bligh, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Bligh - Cody, Zack and Johnno
Gordon Ramsay. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Ramsay Phrew and Emily
Issac and Jarrod - Ben Cousins - own choice.
Mitch and PB - Keith Richards - own choice.

Draw a conclusion about whether you would choose this person as a role model and justify your conclusion in a sentance.

Identify the characteristics of the people in your life who are or who have been good role models for you.
Stephanie B (My father) - Loyal , trust worthy , Great cook , caring , always there , supportive
 Christina- (family and friends)- always there , caring , trust worthy 
 Alex- Understanding, Themselves (Dont worry what others think), Honest, Loyal
When listing the characteristics, identify what aspect of their character it is that you admire and inspires you to be like them. For example: do they demonstrate excellence, stand up for what they believe in, always show compassion or kindness etc.
Christina- I can trust them with anything thing and that is something that is good to have, always looking out for me in everything i do.
Alex-That no matter what i do they are still there for me, they won't lie to me they will tell the truth even if it's not what you want to hear
Stephanie - I wish I had the skills of being a great cook like my dad, My dad is always there for me and gives me the best advice an support.
ZakkyG - She stood up when she was needed and really helped out queensland when they needed da most. 
Jaiden - Shane warne does what hes good at and he is kind towards sick children by raising 400,000 punds for them through his poker charity.
Josh, Coen and Emily: He stands up for what he believes in because he is passionate with what he does and believes what he does is right.

jarrod (Shane Warne)-
i think shane warne is still a great role model even tho he was convited he has still done many great things and they out weigh the bad.
he demonstates exalent talent in his cricket and I admire and inspires you to be like him.
list of characteristics of good role models-
Good morals
willing to do anything

1. He was the best cricket bowler of all time (spin).
2. Greatest ever wicket taker, with 517 wickets at a bowling average of 25.42.
3. teaches school kids how to play in spare time.
1. He was forced to admit that he had taken money to provide pitch and weather reports from a man later discovered to be operating with bookmakers. 
2. In February 2003 during the 2003 cricket World Cup, Warne was sent home in sensational circumstances after a positive drugs test for a banned diuretic from the one-day series in Australia earlier in the year.
3. The panel found Warne guilty of breaching the ACB's drug code, and imposed a one-year ban. It was further revealed

mitch and maddison- keith richards 
good - legendary guitarist from rolling stones.
- inspires young people to be guitarists.
-doesnt give a crap about what other people think of him
but the nagative side of that is that kids might think doing drugs isnt that bad.

Bad- In Influence 
drinking heavily 

Great guitarest
One of the most known bands in the world

Isaac/Jacob- Ben Cousins 
1- Best known for his 270 game career with West Coast and Richmond in the AFL.
2- Cousins is listed by journalist Mike Sheahan as one of the top 50 players of all time
3- He was West Coast's club champion for four seasons and captain for five seasons.

1- went to rehab for drugs.
2- made a video on how drugs can ruin your life but still continued to take them.
3- passed out infront of the casino and got aressted for public intoxication.

Josh and Coen: Gordon Ramsay

Emily - Anna Bligh

 - She does good things for the state
 - She's a woman doing politics 
 - She works hard at her job
 - She's a politician
 - She broke her promises with the state that she had made to get elected

Julian Assange- christina and alex
-He reveals the truth to the world about major issues and secrets
- He disraguards his own safety to get the truth out.
- He stands up the more powerful athoritys 

- He could make false acusations and change things to get other peopel in trouble
- Could be an invasion of privacy to other people 
- He could cause conflict by revealing certain information

Julian has the power to cause conflict between certain people which may result in major issues. On the other hand he is putting his own well being on the line to deliever the truth to everyday people. He is also speaking the truth and does not let anyone get in his way.

~~~Shane Warne~~~

1. Shane was caught smoking in airport premises where it was not aloud. This not only causes him to be a bad role model for smoking, but also doing it in illigal places.
2. He was caught posing in his under wear with two 25-year old models and sent explicit texts to others.
3. He cheated on his wife and that is a bad thing and people might think its good.

1. Sporting icon who encourages kids to play sport.
2. He supports anual poker tournaments to raise money for sick kids.

Gordon Ramsay:
He yells at people on his tv shows e.g Hells Kitchen. This is a negative because he puts people down and makes them look like what they do is wrong.
He had an affar.
Abit of a Hippocrit because he left one of his job because people were yelling at him and now he yell at people for a living.

He has worked chariety 
He has strong views
He is really successful in what he does

Anna Bligh
- helped QLD through tough times
-first female premier Role Model
- doesnt have a great sense of justice,sold of one of QLDs biggest deposits.

Reflect on yourself as a role model. What characterestics do you share with what we have found hero's and role models to have? Justify your conclusion in a sentance.
Josh: I like helping people when they are down or when they need help. Im always there if people need someone to talk to.

Monday, April 16, 2012

New unit: Hero's and Role Models. Voki Avatars.

Heroes and Role Models.
Heroes represent the human yearning for hope that transcends people’s immediate lives and contributes to their sense of meaning and purpose.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lesson 11, Religious Stories.

Mr Morris.
Lesson 11
27th Feb 2012.
Semester 1.


Australia is a religiously diverse country and has no official religion.

Christianity is the predominant faith of Australia. According to the 2006 census, the largest religious denomination is Roman Catholicism, of which 25.8% of the population claimed affiliation. The next largest is the Anglican faith, at 18.7%. Members of other Christian denominations accounted for 19.4% of the population.
Minority religions practiced in Australia include Buddhism (2.1% of the population), Islam (1.7%), Hinduism (0.7%) and Judaism (0.4%). Two percent of the population stated a different religion, which includes Sikhism and Indigenous beliefs, and 18.7% claimed no religion, while 11.2% did not respond.

What is an example of Religious Stories, famous or notorious...

Task 1. 

Research one (1) religious Story from one (1) of the underlined religions above, there are 9 to choose from. You must work in pairs!

Put your name(s) next to the religion you will research below.
Aboriginal culture - ZAK! AND BRODIE! :)
Hinduism - Jaiden&Cody
Buddhism - isaac-mitch
Roman Catholic - Emily
Judaism- jarrod & john
Anglican Faith-Jacob&Maddison
Islam -ashley & christina

Start your work with a Title and Your Name: E.g. Islam - Shaun Morris.

Please  remember, even though im not there, i can still access this resource and  will still be saving it to our blog for your reference in the future...  Be responsible to this task.

This story is about how a god creates herself a son while the husband god is away meditating and he gets back and doesnt know about the son, so he cuts off his head. When he finds out it was his new 'son' he ordering the servents to go search for the first sleeing animal with its head facing north, and this happened to be an elephant. So the song got an elephant head and life breathed back into him.

http://www.gakkaionline.net/kids/gem.html Give me more info gentleman!! Mr Morris...

Judaism- jarrod & john Looking for your answers guys...

Roman Catholic - Emily:

Book of Revelations, or the Apocalypse. What about it??? More details please, and yes i hve read below...

This is a whole book in the New Testament which deals with the story of how the apocalypse will come about. http://www.discoverrevelation.com/Rev_Links.html

ashley & christina-
Muslims believe that the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by  the Angel Gabriel on numerous occasions between the years 610 and  Muhammad's death in 632. In addition to memorizing his revelations, his  followers are said to have written them down on parchments, stones,  bones, sticks, and leaves. 

Task 2.

What  is your social story? Friends, Family, social standing? How does  your story structure resemble any of the religions researched? Comment  in 50 words each, the comparison or non comparison. Comment on how the story you researched may have shaped the religion over time or in todays perspection.

Jaiden - Hindu:
Ganesh was an only child, i am not. His parents were gods, mine are not. His dad went away, mine didn't. He had an elephant head, i dont. 
The story helped shape the religion as the gods son -Ganesh- is present at wedings as he is 'able to answer prayers'. - Jaiden++Cody. Lots of things in common... is Ganesh still involved in the religion today??He is still present at wedings to answer prayers.Well done..

Zak and Brodie - Aboriginal CultureSee you tomorrow first break uys, at the staffroom. Delete this and make it Wed as well. So i leave this there and do the work aye.... OKAY!Let jarrod and Joh

Me and JT  dont have the same parents his parents were both aboriginal mine aren't. He plays Professional rugby league and i dont :')

Emily - Roman Catholicism

My social story doesnt resemble the story of the apocalypse at all in any way, really. But this story has a large affect on the roman catholics as it details how the world will end and rewards those who have followed God through all the years by allowing them all into heaven and punishing the sinners, which is what religion is all about, really, receiving your final reward for being good for the whole of your life. And this is how it shapes roman catholicism, by showing them how the world would end and giving them something to fear/look forward too. Is religion really all about punishing sinners or non believers? Well no but a core part of religion is saying that "If you do this then you'll go to heaven" and "If you do this then you'll go to hell" iT IS AN ELEMENT, i agree, but... there is more to it then that.. if Roman Catholicism suggests you will be rewarded for your faith, why does it allow for repent of sin?Because in repenting your sins you're reaffirming your faith in the religion, because you're essentially realising that you've done something wrong and want to ask God for forgiveness, and in gaining forgiveness the slate is wiped clean and once again you return to the original faith. I understand that there is more to religion and faith than just the use of it as a way of reinforcing punishment and reward for good and bad behaviour, but for this particular story, its the one element that comes through the most. Well done..

Maddison - Jacob - The name "Anglican" means "of England", but the Anglican church exists worldwide. It began in the sixth century in England, when Pope Gregory the Great sent St. Augustine to Britain to bring a more disciplined Apostolic succession to the Celtic Christians. The Anglican Church evolved as part of the Roman church, but the Celtic influence was folded back into the Roman portion of the church in many ways, perhaps most notably by Charlemagne's tutor Aidan. The Anglican church was spread worldwide first by English colonization and then by English-speaking missionaries. How is this "story" relevant to you PB?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lesson 10 20th Feb, Ethical Issues.

 Mr Morris.
Lesson 10
20th Feb 2012.
Semester 1.
Ethical Issues.

Get into groups of three or four. Have each group choose one issue from below.
OR Choose one issue to study as a class.

- violence, war and peace, Kane, Nathan Alex (6)
- bioethics, eg cloning, genetic engineering, 5 coen , josh and zac
- IVF, Cody,john,jaiden(3) - http://shamblespad.com/group3IVFMOR
- euthanasia emily,ashley,christina 4
- the environment-jarrod and bodie (2)http://shamblespad.com/group2theenviromentMOR
- work ethics and 
- business/professional ethics 
- sexual ethics marriage and divorce.isaac-mitch-maddison-jacob ( group1)

Each group is to complete the following: Use these headings to start your answers.
Choose an ethical issue from above.
Identify the ethical aspects of the issue.
Search the Bible for references which refer to the issue.
Use other sources to show the Christian perspective.
Include the perspective from different Christian groups. 
Look for recent articles related to the topic.
In what way does Christianity give guidance to its adherents on this issue?
Make a statement showing the Christian perspective, giving reasons.
Prepare a report/ poster/ presentation for the class.

Place your information below.

Violence, War & Peace Group 6
Ethical Aspects: War, during war if a white flag is raised it is a sign of surrender, you are meant to not shoot or harm them. This has not always taken place which is very unfortunate. Peace, during WW1 there would be times where no one would shoot or harm the enemy but instaed they buried those who had died in action.
Bible References:

IVF Group 3
Ethical aspects of IVF
cases there has been labortory mix-ups.
Same sex Couples, Single and unmarried couples:
ethical concerns include reproductive rights, the welfare of offspring, nondiscrimination against unmarried individuals, homosexual, and professional autonomy
Bible reference:
Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them. And God said to them, ?Be fruitful and multiply  and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the  sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that  moves on the earth.?
Christianity doesnt give guidance, just claims that it should not be done as it seperates the procreative purpose of the marriage act from its unitive purpose

The environment group 2
the main issue with the enviroment is the threat of destroying the forest for corpet gain and money along with issues involing the sea.

bible verse-
Psalms 104: 25-30 - There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there. These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust. When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.

group 4- identify the ethical issue from above
is killing people the right thing to do even though its killing them. 
Is it right for the person who is dying to do that to their family?
Is it right for the person who is dying to give that responsibility to the person killing them?
is it right for the person killing them to help them?

bible references-  the ten commandments do not kill 
The  perspectives from different christian groups 
would disagree with it  there wouldnt be many christian groups at all that would agree
Use other sources to show the Christian perspective-
"What you do have is general biblical responses, such as in Job 1:21 "God  gives and God takes away". There are also countless passages on the  sanctity of life, which argue that humans need to be treated in a very  special way, and given the utmost respect, at all stages of life." http://www.rsrevision.com/Alevel/ethics/euthanasia/christianity.htm
Guidence it is important to give guidance in christianity as it is very clear on the subject of not killing.
Make a statement showing the Christian perspective, giving reasons-
Killing someone is wrong and suicide is wrong and euthanasia is violating both of these things.

Sexual ethics Group 1-  
.Sex & Ethics: young people and ethical sex, drawn from interviews and research with people aged 16–25 from rural and urban australia, argues for a new approach to sexuality and sexual assault prevention education based on developing skills in ethical intimacy
.Genesis 2:24, God says that man will leave his parents and be united with a woman and they will become one flesh. This tells of marriage and how sex should be used only within the bonds of marriage.
The findings of these interviews informed the development of a six week education program for young people. The program provides young women and men opportunities to learn new ways of negotiating sexual intimacy. This is based on a sexual ethics framework developed by Moira Carmody PhD who has over 25 years of experience in working with young people and on sexual assault prevention education.
The project began by interviewing young women and men aged 16-25 of diverse sexualities from rural and city locations in NSW Australia. We wanted to understand how young women and men negotiate sexual relationships and their views on the adequacy of current sexuality and sexual assault prevention education. They identified that their education failed to prepare them for the complexity of sexual intimacy including issues around consent, sexual negotiation and pressured sex. The young people felt existing programmes focused primarily on risk and danger and excluded positive skills for ethical intimacy.

Group 4

Group 5 
Choose an ethical issue from above.
Bioethics and Cloning Humans

Identify the ethical aspects of the issue.

Search the Bible for references which refer to the issue.
Use other sources to show the Christian perspective.
Include the perspective from different Christian groups. 
Look for recent articles related to the topic.
In what way does Christianity give guidance to its adherents on this issue?
Make a statement showing the Christian perspective, giving reasons.
Prepare a report/ poster/ presentation for the class.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Incident: Person going on to shamblespad and defacing the page.

Incident: Person going on to shamblespad and defacing the page.

Alex: The diadvantages of not using the shambles pad in religion is simply going back to bookwork. The pad is easy to use and means you only need to bring a laptop to class instead of a book pen and textbook. If we were to stop using the pad all the work we have done so far on the pad has been wasted. Working on the shambles pad means we get alot of work/information done quickly and share it with everyone easily. My bookwork is messy and i can't write fast where as everything on the pad is typing which makes it easier to complete work.

Brodie: The disadvantages of us not using this resource to assist us would be the work wouldnt get done as fast or as effecient. If we were to use the other option and use pen and paper it would waste time that we could be using to research for the assignment. 
The person that wrote it needs to own up for what theyve done and cop the penalty for doing it. 

christina: it will be harder for us when get our assignment as we will then not have all the research infront of us and ready to go. if we were to use pen and paper it would take more time. it will be harder to get all the information and research which is not benofficial towards us in the end.
Your ruining it for eveyrone in the class over something that clearly shouldnt be said on here.
I promise that i did not write whatever was said. I understand why
ashley: the disadvantages will be it will take longer and harder to get our work and assignments completed, it would make it more difficult for researching.
your wasting time for everyone in the class and you shouldnt say something like that.

mitch:  without shambles we wouldnt have the best recourses to use, aswell mr walsh never did anything this great for us, without shambles we wouldnt be able to share information about on the topics we do. aswell with pen and paper it would be not as usfull 

coen and josh 
it would take longer to get the information we need for assingments and other work. The disadvantage of using this resource is that people can say mean things to others and mess up their assignments. Who ever wrote this before class, needs to grow up and think before they write/do things.
Doing this just makes it more likely of us loosing this resource and having to use pens and paper for the rest of the year.
Using this website, we are able to give others ideas and help them with their assigment. 

Nathan- If we were to go back to using books it would be less benifial for our learning and would make it a lot harder to find reaserch and would make our assignments a better standard, and easier to do. This resource is easy to use and we only have to bring our laptops to class instead of a text books and pens.
to the person that wrote inappropriate things y

.would take longer to get the information for assignments 
.wouldnt be able to see others information that theyve done in classes
.all the information wouldnt be in one place and easy to locate 

Jacob: the disadvantages are people can change eachothers work and write bad stuff on it and it will take longer and be harder to research stuff 

Zak: The disadvantages of using the shamblepad would mean everyone would have to work harder and do everything yourself. Also people can be really immature and ruin the whole thing for everyone and we would have to go back too books etc.

Jaiden: The disadvantages of not using this resource would be that we would not be able to share and see each otheres research, which would mean more effort and wasted time from everybody when looking for information for our assignment. When using this pad all the inofrmation is saved in one spot that we can access and its really easy to get to.
The person who did this should own up so that we can stop wasting time.
I was not the person who did it, 

Cody: if this technology was taken away we wouldnt have a page where we can go back to retrieve information, for our assignments, since we are basically retreiving information as we go for assignment making the shambles pad very useful for assignments and note taking since its on a webpage where we have all put information that we have found as a group on this webpage where we can all share information. but yeah if we lost access to this webpage and went to books and pencils we wouldnt be able to share the information greatly, and it would effect our assignment pr

Just grow up and act ur age for a change.

Emily: If we dont use this resource then we don't have all the information in one place and no easy way to access all the information we may need for the assignment. We wouldn't have the vast source of information that we do now, and we also wouldn't have somewhere where we could find information out about the lesson. It would take longer for us to find the information for the assignment and also we would not have somewhere to go when we are having trouble with the assignment to ask questions. 

Own up. Insulting people when they don't even know you're insulting them is stupid. 

Jarrod- i believe that the disadvantages of us not using this resouse would be that we would not be able to share and see each others work. it would take longer to get the information we need for assingments and other work and that would mean more effort and wasted time from everybody when looking for information for our assignment. When using this pad all the inofrmation is saved in one spot that we can access and its really easy to get to.
to the person who has been abusing the system plz stop as i dont wish to write every thing down on paper and you should be more mature than this pull your act together.

John: the disadvantages of not using this resorce is that when we need assignment work we need, we cant use our laptops and we ahve to use pen and paper, it wouldould take so much long to get info, it's just simply easyier to use

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lesson 9. Comparing and Contrasting.

Mr Morris.
Lesson 9
15th Feb 2012.
Semester 1.

Comparing and Contrasting.

If you compare two things you tell how they are alike. If you contrast two things you tell how they are different. If you compare and contrast two things you tell how they are alike and how they are different.

It is important to organize your thoughts  and information before you do so. Here are two different ways to  organize information. As an example, we will look at the Smilodon, and  the Caribou - two animals that lived during the Ice Ages.

Compare and Contrast Questions Come in Three Different Formats!
                      1. Compare: You are asked to explain how two or more things are alike.
                      2. Contrast: You are asked to explain how two or more things are different.
                      3. Compare/Contrast: You are asked to explain how two or more things
                      are alike and different.

Examples of how to use the compare/contrast words to answer compare/contrast questions: From the Link as an Example...
1. Compare: How are the caribou and the smilodon alike?
Answer: The caribou and the smilodon are both mammals. The smilodon lived in the arctic regions during the Ice Ages, as did the caribou. Like the smilodon, the caribou was able to protect itself from predators.
2. Contrast: How were the smilodon and caribou different?
 Answer: Although the caribou and the smilodon were both mammals, they were very different in many ways. The caribou was a plant-eater,unlike the smilodon which ate meat. The caribou had blunt, rounded teeth for eating plants, whereas the smilodon had sharp, pointed ones. The smilodon became extinct at the end of the Ice Ages, in contrast to the caribou which still lives in the arctic regions today.

Diagrams that help you to present your comparing and contrasting information.

Ven Diagrams. Follow this link. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/venndiag.htm

Task: In your group, choose one of the following topics and using a Ven Diagram, compare and contrast them. 
1. Brisbane Broncos - Nth Qld Cowboys.Johno-jarrod-brodie stiglow
2. Apple Mac Book - Apple Mac Desktop: Jaiden&Zak
3. Mcdonalds - Pizza HutEmily
4. Live music - CD Isaac &  Maddison
5. iPhone - HTCCody
6. Nike - Adidas Josh, Coen
7. Soccerball - football.Alex nathan

Compare and Contrast Questions Come in Three Different Formats!
                      1. Compare: You are asked to explain how two or more things are alike.
                      2. Contrast: You are asked to explain how two or more things are different.
                      3. Compare/Contrast: You are asked to explain how two or more things
                      are alike and different.

Use this link to help you catorgorise your information with these headings:

Each group should copy and paste the following headings to start and complete their task, remeber to add your names as well.

Only about item 1.

Only about item 2.

Ways they are the same.


Only about item 1 (MacBook Pro).
Dual-Core processor
250GB - 500GB HDD
7 Hour battery
i7 Processor

Only about item 2 (iMac).
Quad-Core processor
750GB - 1TB HDD
No battery
i5 Processor

Ways they are the same.
4GB of RAM
Facetime HD camera
Built-in wireless + bluetooth
Built-in microphone
Operating temperature: 10-35 degrees
Unibody aluminium

New testament
original languages: Aramaic and Greek
rank size: largest
sacred rituals: sacraments

original languages: Hebrew
rank size: 12th largest
sacred rituals: commandments

Old testament
Europe, NA
Status of biblical prophets: true prophets
place founded: palestine

Alex and Nathan
Only about item 1.soccer
- 11 players on field
- only use foot  
-non contact
- round ball
Only about item 2. football 
- Use hands in general play
-13 on the field
- contact
- egg ball
Ways they are the same.
- both played on a field
- they both have a ball
- they both both consist of two teams

Only about item 1.Christianity 
Christians believe that god created everything and that his only son jesus gave his life to clear our sins. Christians go to church to pay respect and ask for forgiveness from god.
Only about item 2. Hinduism 
For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It's more what you do, than what you believe. Hindus believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman. They also believe in reincartnaton where the soul passes on to a new body after death.
Ways they are the same.
They both beleive in a god

jarrod and brodie
Only about item 1.broncos
maroon jersey,  have good players, won a premiership
-First grade (6): 1992, 1993, 1997*, 1998, 2000, 2006
this team is from brisbane

Only about item 2. cowboys  
blue,white and black jersey, have good players, won a premiership
-this team is based in townsville

Ways they are the same.
-both from queensland.
-have both been to premierships 
convert try's, get tackled, train full time, won a grand final at one stage, in queensland

isaac & : Maddison
( CD )
- You can buy theme most places
- Its a hard copy so you actually get something
- It come with a book which has lyrics

( Live Music ) 
- Allways has a rawer sound 
- Isnt remastered like in studios
- Have to go out to listen to it
- Has a different atmosphere 

( Ways They Are The Same ) 
- Its all music
- There the same words /lyrics
- Has the same band members


Only about item 1.(McDonalds)
 - Chips and Burgers served
 - Several parts to a meal
 - Owned by McDonalds corporation
 - Is only home delivered in some countries. (not Australia)

Only about item 2. (Pizza Hut)
 - Pizza served
 - One part to a meal
 - Owned by Yum!Brands, who also own KFC and Taco Bell
 - You can get home delivered

Ways they are the same
 - Both major fast food outlets
 - Both not very good for your health
 - Both 
mitch and jacob:
Only about item 1.(Iphone)
Made by a million dollar company
Was the first smartphone
has a unique passcode 
Has alot of updated issues 
Only about item 2.(HTC)
Sort of copied iphone 
has millions of apps
has clearer graphics then i phone
camera flash
billion dollar company
Ways they are the same.
touch screen
takes the same head phone jack
same memory types 8gb - 64gb


Only about item 1.(Iphone)
The OS is Apple.
has a unique passcode to access phone if you enable this option.
Memory 16Gb-64Gb
Access to other Apple products.
Application Store
Only about item 2.(HTC)
has its own unique pattern if enabled.
The Os is Windows.
Smart phone
Application Store
Ways they are the same.
they both have applications.
both have a application store.
Both have camera's.
Both Are touch screen.
both have unique combinations to unlock the phone
both smartphones
They both has a flashlight

Josh, Coen
Only about item 1.(Nike)
Celebrity Sponsorship 
Focused on Basketball and Running
Made in Korea
Headquarters in Beaverton 

Only about item 2.(Adidas)
Athlete Sponsorship
Focused on Soccer and Tennis
Mainly Europe
Made in Asia
Headquarters in Germany

Ways they are the same.
Both a sports brand

Only about item 1.(cowboys)
located in north queensland, blue,white and black jersey, have good players, havnt won a premierships
Only about item 2(broncos)
located in brisbane, maroon jersey,  have good players, won a premiership, won 6 grand finals
way they are the same:
they play the same way, convert try's, get tackled, train full time, stage, in queensland